Thursday, October 30, 2008

Teams! They are great.

Teams are a great help to the ministry they provide friendship, funds, and man power. We can do 10 to 20 times more with teams than we can alone.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blue Skys

Blue skys before me. Nothing but blue skys do I see. this might be a dating reference to a song from my youth. but it sumes up the beauty I see all the time here in Honduras. God's Creation is wonderful. It seems I take as many pictures of nature "God's Creation" as I do the people also "God's Creation".

Friday, October 10, 2008

Driving Jim

It sounds like a little thing, to pick someone up at the air port, until you realize it takes three hours to get there and then three hours back. But is was a pleasure for me. Jim is a friend and a confidant. It was about honoring a returning friend and visiting him on the way home.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

They will follow someone.

I have found that everyone follows someone. That is not a question. the question is who will they follow. I have come to Honduras not to be followed but be the arrow that points to Christ.