Monday, September 17, 2012

When life throws a little rain; keep driving.

I drive a lot these days. Well, I guess I always have and it is great when you go on vacation. Usually I have a clear plan of how long, where, and when we will return, but life is not a vacation. 
Often it is more like driving in the rain. We have a plan and it looks a little cloudy. When it starts to rain it is still ok because we can still see the road.

Then there are times when a big truck drives by and throws a little rain on your windshield. It seems so scary and you just want to slam on the breaks, but that may be dangerous. The car behind you may not stop and hit you or your car may slide into the truck. You have to remember where the road was before the splash came and you lost sight of the road. You have to trust that the road is still there. You must keep driving and wait for your sight of the road to return.

When God gives you a vision and you are certain of your path. You have to remember the vision and the path is there. Even when you get blinded and you can’t really see the path; you must keep on going until your sight of the path returns. God has you in his hands. 

He will see you through the storms of life. 

You have to keep believing in the vision and the path. Keep straight and keep driving. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Empowering Sustainability is my life's goal. Here is a video where i describe how i am going about it.

Come along with us and enpower sustainability. get started here

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Last night, Melissa was having fun with frends and I found myself alone eating Chinese. I don't usualy like to do things alone especially eat. But this was much needed down time. How refreshing it was not to have the cell going crazy or the computer on. I just sat there. that was nice. Then I read the cookie. lots of times it says things that is superstitious or fortunetelling; but this was just truth. it said.
 The eyes believe themselves but the ears believe others.
 How often do we jump to conclusions that create offences and not seek to understand by listening. I find myself doing this and it is sometimes hard to realize I am doing it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Problems are not failures. They are challenges with solutions.

After four years of working in Honduras on Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Healthy Living. I have realized a challenge that others would consider a problem. Ironically this (problem) challenge brought me back to Springdale, Arkansas praying for a solution.

The Challenge: to produce organic fertilizer so the (farmers) Lenca Indians do not have to purchase chemicals with money they do not have to produce the food they desperately need.

Springdale, Arkansas is considered the chicken capital of the world with Tyson Foods, George’s Poultry and Cargill all having plants and offices here. Springdale also have a chicken festival recently renamed Feather Fest. I got reacquainted with an old acquaintance the other day that opened my eyes. The solution to my challenge is Chickens. Producing fertilizer, eggs, and can be eaten. The Incredible eatable egg hatches into the incredible organic fertilizer producer that I will use to solve the challenge.

God is good!

Heaven’s Reach Ministries is poised to announce a Great New Project. Stay tuned.