Monday, December 19, 2011

The Human mind.

The Human mind is like a ball of clay. When it is dry, it is hard as a rock. When the water of the Holly Spirit flows over it, it begins to soften. But if we do not add good things to the soften clay (like reading the word, praying, and worshiping God) that clay will return to its dry hard ball. But if we renew our minds through reading the word of God, pray, and worship him. He will make us rich and fertile soil that will remain soft, producing fruit, and prospering.

If you are not prospering or producing fruit. Maybe it is time to renew your mind by reading the word of God, praying, and worshiping God. The bible says seek after God and all things will be added unto you.

Start today find a reading plan at if this is your first time reading the bible by a plan, let me suggest starting with the New Testament in a Year, NIV - 365 days.