Monday, May 31, 2010

Are you making a mark or a shadow?

In this world we all try to leave our mark. We put together a life that we think will stand the test of time. We build houses that are made of brick or stone instead of wood because it lasts longer. We plant shrubs and lawns and trees thinking everything will last and look pretty. But how long does it all last. Sure bricks last longer than wood and trees last longer than lawns but even so how long will it lasts. Most of us go to work earn some money to go home and spend it. a car or two a house maybe a boat. I was along with everyone. Working 11 months so I can take 1 to vacation enjoy my house and thought I was doing all I was supposed to do. I went to church so I would not go to hell. Took the children in my life with me so they wouldn’t go to hell too. That was my “outreach”. Good! Right?

Yes, it is good. But is it enough? God sent his son in hops that no one would be lost. But how can they be found unless someone goes and tells them. When I finally, really, understood that scripture; I found my purpose in life. When you follow Christ you call others to Him. Not just save yourself, but reach those around you for Him. Everything else is temporary. Only discipling the lost lasts forever. Only seeing a lost soul find Christ is eternal. Everything else is like our shadow. It makes a difference as long as we are here making our mark. But when we leave so does our impact; so does our mark.

Don’t leave a shadow make an eternal difference, disciple the lost.