Monday, January 2, 2012

Problems are not failures. They are challenges with solutions.

After four years of working in Honduras on Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Healthy Living. I have realized a challenge that others would consider a problem. Ironically this (problem) challenge brought me back to Springdale, Arkansas praying for a solution.

The Challenge: to produce organic fertilizer so the (farmers) Lenca Indians do not have to purchase chemicals with money they do not have to produce the food they desperately need.

Springdale, Arkansas is considered the chicken capital of the world with Tyson Foods, George’s Poultry and Cargill all having plants and offices here. Springdale also have a chicken festival recently renamed Feather Fest. I got reacquainted with an old acquaintance the other day that opened my eyes. The solution to my challenge is Chickens. Producing fertilizer, eggs, and can be eaten. The Incredible eatable egg hatches into the incredible organic fertilizer producer that I will use to solve the challenge.

God is good!

Heaven’s Reach Ministries is poised to announce a Great New Project. Stay tuned.

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